Losing to Live

In December, I stepped on the scale at my doctor’s office and made the decision was pleasantly surprised  came out of denial. I weighed more than I have ever weighed in my entire life. That day, I made the decision to start making healthier eating choices. You see, this girl, she has tried just aboutRead more

Baked Bacon and a Blueberry Blitz

For the past 18 days I have been making healthier food choices. I am not on a DIET. I’m seriously trying to make a lifestyle change here. I want to be healthier, not skinnier (although that would be nice) and I want to feel better. I’m tired of taking meds for things that could beRead more

Ooh La La Lingerie Shower

I had the honor of throwing a lingerie party for my friend Patty this past weekend. I had so much fun putting it together, decorating and making food. Here are some snapshots. I ordered a digital invitation from Rachel on Etsy at Ruffled Sundries. The Invitation:   When my friend got engaged we got herRead more

South Texas Frittata

Our first lunch in the New Year was a South Texas Frittata. I have made plenty of eggs in my life and in different ways but I had yet to make a frittata. It was an exciting afternoon! This frittata has four servings and CAN serve 4 people with a salad for a light lunch.Read more

Happy New Year!

From My Kitchen to Yours:  2013 was a great year full of wonderful things for us. We are looking forward to what 2014 will bring. Here is one of my most favorite things from 2013…my niece! Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever?!? I am looking forward to spending time with her this year andRead more

New Year’s Eve

It’s New Year’s Eve and I think we are gonna stay home and enjoy a quiet night (except for all the fireworks that will be going on around us). It’s cold outside and wet too. That combination of weather conditions are NOT my favorite. I was running errands yesterday and my blue jeans were soakedRead more

Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap: Christmas Cardamom Cookies

I participated in the Third Annual Great Food Blogger cookie swap this year and am very excited to share my experience with you again this year. In the past year I have found that one of my favorite spices is Cardamom. For those of you who do not know what Cardamom is it is aRead more

Sunshine & Chocolate

I’ve been feeling under the weather the past two days. Today I spent most of my time either in bed or on the couch. The Mister wasn’t in any better condition. On Wednesday night he started feeling sick and then by Thursday he had a full blown infection. We went to the Day & NightRead more