Vanilla Orange Blossom Granola

Making healthier choices is proving to be good for me! I’ve even ventured back into the kitchen this past week. I have found that if I prepare all my protein for the week then it’s so much easier to make a healthy choice later on. This week, I decided that I wanted to make myRead more

Happy New Year!

From My Kitchen to Yours:  2013 was a great year full of wonderful things for us. We are looking forward to what 2014 will bring. Here is one of my most favorite things from 2013…my niece! Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever?!? I am looking forward to spending time with her this year andRead more

No Giving Up Now

It’s Day 20 of Nablopomo and today I am at a total and complete loss of what to blog about. Here’s what I’m looking at right now. Of course, now I’ve typed some words but I sat here staring at my screen for about five minutes. This is what’s in front of me. My prettyRead more