American Cheese Enchiladas

I’m a Sharp Cheddar Cheese girl. I won’t EVER deny that. I can eat it by the slice! (even though I know it’s not so good for me) Last weekend (anniversary weekend) we went to COSTCO and I bought a big block of Tilamook Sharp Cheddar Cheese! It’s my favorite. As I looked into theRead more

Upside Down Pumpkin Pecan Pie Cake

This is me in a nutshell during the months of September through November. Last week I volunteered to bake something for a church meeting we were going to have and I decided that I wanted to make something with pumpkin in it. Every December since we’ve been married, The Mister and I make a cherry-pineapple dumpRead more

Enchiladas Suizas

For most of my life I was a very picky eater. My meals consisted of mostly American fast food and whatever my mom, grandma and aunt made from the Mexican food genre. That mostly consisted of rice, beans, fideo, tortillas (flour & corn), picadillo (ground beef with potatoes) and variations on all of those things. OneRead more

Zucchini Brown Rice Casserole

I love me some zucchini and when I have the time, this will be one of the first things I try to grow in my backyard! I love that you can add zucchini to almost everything. I love that it fits different flavor profiles. I love that the texture  is different if it is made intoRead more

Try It Out Thursday: Parmesan Rosemary Biscuits

Try it Out Thursday Try It Out Thursday is dedicated to recipes, products or ideas that I find on Pinterest or receive in my e-mail. I tend to “pin” and save a lot of recipes and craft ideas and never try them so I decided that this will help me wade through the many pins andRead more

Marry Me Macaroni

Yesterday, around 2PM, I got a craving for macaroni and cheese. I haven’t had macaroni and cheese in a very long time. As much cheese as there is in this recipe I won’t have it again for awhile either but when you’re craving something, it’s best just to give in! This is definitely comfort food!Read more

Baked Buffalo Meatballs

Every once in awhile I crave buffalo wings but not because of the chicken itself. It’s because my tastebuds want to taste the vinegary notes of the buffalo sauce on them. So, I was perusing Pinterest and saw a recipe for Taco Meatballs and thought to myself, “If someone can make Taco Meatballs, I canRead more

Cauliflower Tarts

Cauliflower is The Mister’s “arch nemesis. . . the bane of his existence” but as for me and my house we will still eat the cauliflower. We made a deal because of something that went down a couple months back. He MUST eat the cauliflower if I serve it to him. It doesn’t mean heRead more