American Cheese Enchiladas

I’m a Sharp Cheddar Cheese girl. I won’t EVER deny that. I can eat it by the slice! (even though I know it’s not so good for me) Last weekend (anniversary weekend) we went to COSTCO and I bought a big block of Tilamook Sharp Cheddar Cheese! It’s my favorite. As I looked into theRead more

Marry Me Macaroni

Yesterday, around 2PM, I got a craving for macaroni and cheese. I haven’t had macaroni and cheese in a very long time. As much cheese as there is in this recipe I won’t have it again for awhile either but when you’re craving something, it’s best just to give in! This is definitely comfort food!Read more

Goat Cheese Avocado Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Goat Cheese Avocado Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/Caramelized Onions With all the change in our lives lately, I unfortunately have been turning to some comfort food here and there. One of the most comforting things for me to eat is a grilled cheese sandwich. For as long as I’ve been married, and a foodie, the hubbyRead more