Christmas Village

I’m not completely sure why but I have a tiny obsession with the whole Christmas Village idea. Having a little porcelain village of unreal people sit on a table in my living room during the holidays makes me smile, really big! My mom never did the whole village thing but my aunts do and IRead more

Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!

Today marks two years of existence in the blogospere for My Kitchen Is Open! It’s an exciting day too because I feel like as the year progressed, so has my blog. I’m excited for what this next year holds as a blogger. There are so many things that I would love to do. For exampleRead more

No Giving Up Now

It’s Day 20 of Nablopomo and today I am at a total and complete loss of what to blog about. Here’s what I’m looking at right now. Of course, now I’ve typed some words but I sat here staring at my screen for about five minutes. This is what’s in front of me. My prettyRead more

From California

Last week I received a text message from a friend in California stating something was on it’s way to me. I got excited because I absolutely LOVE getting stuff in the mail! Especially when it’s a surprise. When I got home, there was a package at the door for me. It made me laugh becauseRead more

Boiling Chicken

I don’t know if I’ve ever said this out loud to anyone but I really love to boil chicken. LOL! There is just something about having fresh chicken broth at the end of it all that makes my heart smile. I love using it for Tortilla Soup, Chicken Soup, Chili, in fideo and arroz. AND,Read more

Halfway There

I love me some Bon Jovi. Growing up, I spent my money on his 7″ 45 RPM vinyl singles. (Yes, I’m showing my age a little) I’m halfway through Nabolopomo for November and I couldn’t be more happy! I have had a blog posted every day for the past 16 days and that’s a reallyRead more

~2 Year Blogiversary Giveaway~

Next Thursday, My Kitchen Is Open will be celebrating 2 years of being a part of the world wide blogosphere!   To celebrate, I’ll be hosting a giveaway for, in my opinion, a prized cookbook, ONE beautiful copy of  “The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays.” The giveaway starts today, November 15th, 2013  andRead more

Try It Out Thursday: Sweet & Sticky Baked Chicken Drumsticks

Try it Out Thursday Try It Out Thursday is dedicated to recipes, products or ideas that I find on Pinterest or receive in my e-mail. I tend to “pin” and save a lot of recipes and craft ideas and never try them so I decided that this will help me wade through the many pins andRead more