HP #warmupyouwalls Houseparty

Houseparty chose me to host a Hewlett Packard #warmupyourwalls party. Last Saturday I planned a dessert party where I served carrot cake cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes, pumpkin pie, coffee and water. The turn out for the party was small, (even though I invited 15 people) but some of the sweetest people did show up andRead more

Guest Post: Trapped in the Empire

“If you had to be trapped inside a movie for five days, what movie would you pick?”  I thought this would be a PERFECT post for The Mister to handle… This question is almost as hard to answer as the question of what super power I would choose.  I mean, there are so many great moviesRead more

Ornament Swap 2013

Last year I participated in Tutu and Tea Parties’ Ornament Swap 2012 and it was such a great experience. I received the cutest ornament and made acquaintances with a blogger. This year, I decided, once again to take part in the swap. Sign-up’s have ended so don’t try to sign-up now. They ended on 10/26/2013.Read more