Special Delivery

A special delivery went out today. I shipped my cookies for the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap this morning! This is one of my favorite times of the year because of the packages that I get to send and the packages that come in the mail.   I already received one shipment of cookies fromRead more

Giveaway Winner!

Today I got to present a local reader who won my giveaway with her prize–The Pioneer Woman’s newest cookbook, “The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays”. A very big CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Glenda! Hope you enjoy the book! Keep keep coming back to see what we are up to at My Kitchen Is OpenRead more

Black Friday is OVER!

Black Friday is over and I’m grateful that it is. Now, I can have my hubby back. Having a husband in retail during the holidays is not going to be fun. I can feel it in my bones! Speaking of bones, I bought a JAWBONE this evening. Trying to figure it out. Any tips? IRead more

Today is Thanksgiving

As you read this post, it is Thanksgiving day. The Mister and I have woken up early to get the turkey in the oven and my house is clean and we are lying around in our pajamas just waiting until around 10AM to heat the food that was prepared late last night. Hopefully it didRead more

Bake it Forward

Yesterday I received this awesome tin in the mail. It is a Bake It Forward Tin. Imperial Sugar Company sent it to me as a part of the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. They are sponsors of the swap and sent those who are involved, this little something along with a coupon for free sugar.Read more

Thanksgiving Menu 2013

The Mister and I are hosting Thanksgiving for my Mom’s side of the family and we have been planning the menu for a little over a month now. We have been able to try out the recipes we wanted to make and are satisfied with them. This Thursday, we will serve them all to ourRead more

Sunday, Sunday, Funday!

Today was definitely a day to be remembered in my books. Our church finished an awesome series titled, “What On Earth Am I Here For?” and our three services were a celebration. We had new music, baptisms,testimonies and Thanksgiving type desserts. It was awesome! Some friends brought me back some of this amazing stuff fromRead more