Paleo Chili Bowl

My Simple Superhero Paleo Chili is probably my go-to meal when I don’t have a lot of time or a lot of money to spend on groceries. It can feed The Mister and I for a few days and we can eat it a couple of different ways. The other day I had just enough forRead more


Remember to give thanks. Remember that God still sits on His throne. Remember to pray for our newly elected leaders. Remember to pray for our nation. Remember to represent God well. If you don’t remember these things today, you might feel miserable and angry and like the world is falling down around you, but youRead more

If I Could Turn Back Time

Thirteen years ago, I was a very different person. If I could go back, let’s say 15 years, I honestly don’t think I would change a thing about it. Fifteen years ago I was in college, making really poor choices, doing really dumb things, but I still don’t think I would go back and changeRead more

Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Soup

Thanksgiving is coming! It’s coming really fast. Around the Galvan house, we take our holidays very seriously. The Mister brines a couple of turkey’s every Thanksgiving, and I doubt that this year will be any different. One thing for sure, he’s not in big box retail anymore so, I will have him home all dayRead more

Attitude of Gratitude

As we start to settle into November, I am always reminded about being thankful and having an attitude of gratitude.  The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I remember the first time I read that verse, I thought, “Wow, IRead more

Truth Squad

Does my butt look big in these jeans?  Honestly, I would be ok if you said, “Yes,” because I’m lacking in this area . Anyone else find it hard to answer questions like that? Especially when it pertains to someone you love, or really care about? If you ask me a question that you probablyRead more


brave  adjective 1. possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance. I’ve never thought of myself as a brave person. Most of my life I have lived in fear – fear of failure, fear of what others thought of me, fear of my past, and fear of the future. Those are just a few things thatRead more

Find Your Happy

A couple of years ago, I found myself at a place where I was always so tired and I had no desire to do the things that I normally loved to do. I felt anxious and overwhelmed and like the world was falling down all around me. I’m not at all trying to make lightRead more