
Thanksgiving is on its way and this year I am honored to be able to host my family in my new home! It’s exciting and scary all at the same time. I feel like a grown-up LOL! For as long as I can remember my aunt and uncle have hosted Thanksgiving at their home andRead more

It’s a Celebration!

Tonight we had the honor of hosting a gathering for some pretty special people. I didn’t get any pictures of the food because I was so busy all day and by the time I got to sit down I did NOT want to get up to photograph anything. I just wanted to sit down! IRead more

Clean & Clear

Today marks DAY ONE of Nablopomo 2013 for me. I’ll be “Typing My Heart Out” for at least the next 30 days! If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money? First things first, I would tithe–that would make me a good Christian–butRead more

Try It Out Thursday: Pumpkin Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Try it Out Thursday Try It Out Thursday is dedicated to recipes, products or ideas that I find on Pinterest or receive in my e-mail. I tend to “pin” and save a lot of recipes and craft ideas and never try them so I decided that this will help me wade through the many pins andRead more

The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2013

Today I signed up for  The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2013!  This will be the 3rd time I participate in this nation-wide/world-wide cookie swap. If you have a food blog and are up for swapping, you should go and sign up. I have been thinking about the swap all year and already know what cookiesRead more

Try it Out Thursday: Paleo Kale Banana Smoothie

Try it Out Thursday Try It Out Thursday is dedicated to recipes, products or ideas that I find on Pinterest or receive in my e-mail. I tend to “pin” and save a lot of recipes and craft ideas and never try them so I decided that this will help me wade through the many pins andRead more