Truth Squad

Does my butt look big in these jeans?  Honestly, I would be ok if you said, “Yes,” because I’m lacking in this area . Anyone else find it hard to answer questions like that? Especially when it pertains to someone you love, or really care about? If you ask me a question that you probablyRead more


brave  adjective 1. possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance. I’ve never thought of myself as a brave person. Most of my life I have lived in fear – fear of failure, fear of what others thought of me, fear of my past, and fear of the future. Those are just a few things thatRead more

Find Your Happy

A couple of years ago, I found myself at a place where I was always so tired and I had no desire to do the things that I normally loved to do. I felt anxious and overwhelmed and like the world was falling down all around me. I’m not at all trying to make lightRead more

Hungry In Austin

A couple of weeks ago, The Mister and I set out for Austin, TX to attend a food blogging conference called BlogHer Food 2016. It was awesome! Two days learning lots of new things, making new friends and eating good food. After the conference was over, we had two more days left in Austin. AsRead more

Pumpkin Spice Toffee Cookies

It’s National Pumpkin Day! So, naturally, I had to post this. Fall is my favorite season of the year. In the Valley, we don’t get to see the beauty of changing leaves the way most of the US gets to. We just go from hot & humid, to cool & rainy, and then hot & humidRead more

Almond Matcha Milk

I wasn’t feeling too great on Wednesday morning, and everything in me did not want to get out of bed, but I knew that if I didn’t I would just lay in bed all day. Personally, when I’m sick, I only allow myself so much time in my actual bed. For some reason, the longerRead more

My BlogHerFood 2016 #blogherfood16 Experience

Two weeks ago, I got to mark something off my bucket-list. I got to attend a food blogger conference! I got to attend BlogherFood16 in Austin, Texas. It also happened to be our anniversary weekend. We’ve been married 8 years. WHOA! Yea…it was a pretty epic weekend for us. We made some fast friends whileRead more

Poor Man’s Crab Cakes

I was watching a re-run of PSYCH the other night where Sean made Crab cakes with Coriander and Dill, and I got to thinking…Mmm…this sounds good, but I can’t afford lump crab meat today so what can I do??? I made TUNA CAKES with Dill and Cilantro! Here’s the recipe: Tuna Cakes with Dill andRead more