Try It Out Thursday: Lifeway Kefir

Try it Out Thursday

Try It Out Thursday is dedicated to recipes, products or ideas that I find on Pinterest or receive in my e-mail. I tend to “pin” and save a lot of recipes and craft ideas and never try them so I decided that this will help me wade through the many pins and e-mails that I have.

Thanks to Influenster, I had the wonderful pleasure of being able to try out the product Lifeway Kefir, complimentary to test through Influenster’s VoxBox program.

To be honest, before I tried it, I had no idea what it was but NOW, I do and I’m glad that I know!

What is kefir, you ask? Let me explain it the way I understand it. It is basically a fermented milk product with strains of good bacteria that can help us with digestion issues. It’s tangy, smooth and creamy, like yogurt. OOoohhh and it’s 99% lactose free and Gluten-Free.

If you want more scientific details you can go HERE. There is also a FAQ page.

I was able to try the Low Fat Blueberry Kefir.

Lifeway Kefir

I really liked it.

I’ve had it for breakfast and I’ve even drank a glass for my afternoon snack. It was filling & satisfying and NOT gross as I feared it would be.

Looking for something a little different that can help your health and digestion out a little?  Try this stuff out. Lifeway has many other kefir products available so you should totally check them out.

You can also follow my Lifeway Kefir Ideas Pinterest Board as I find recipes to use the kefir with as well.

See you next Thursday!

~Mrs Galvan~

I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.