Currently Watching…

What are you watching on TV these days?With all that’s on TV, how do you decide what to watch?

The Mister and I don’t watch a whole lot of LIVE shows. Most of the stuff we watch is either DVR’d or from Netflix.

In August, we started watching Gilmore Girls from beginning to end. That was fun, because I hadn’t seen all the episodes back to back while it was running on television, and with the new four episodes coming out this month, it was perfect timing.

In September we started watching This Is Us. If you want to get all “feely” about life and family, watch this show. It’s very REAL. It kind of reminds me of “Parenthood”. We are enjoying this show.

We also started watching “Designated Survivor” with Kiefer Sutherland. Oh my goodness! You want to talk about intense. It’s less intense than “24,” but STILL!

We also watch “The Big Bang Theory,” which at first was not my favorite show, but it has grown on me. It started as a show that someone recommended, so we pulled it up on Netflix to watch and then we eventually caught up to what was current, and it became part of our regularly scheduled pre-recorded DVR shows. 

As for shows that I could do without, well, I don’t even want to mention them, because I don’t want you to go look for them if you’re not already watching them.

As hard as it is these days, we work hard to watch wholesome TV. We are careful about what we allow our eyes to see and our heart to take in.

We do this with movies, too. Before we head out to the movies for date night or family night, I pull up a website called Plugged In. This helps us decide whether we will be watching a movie or not. 

Maybe it sounds silly, but we like to protect our hearts and minds from things that could potentially hurt us.

We don’t watch any horror movies because um… NO! and I’m also not a fan of movies that are full of crass comments and situations. 

I know, it really doesn’t leave much left to watch, but we deal.

What’s a deal breaker on a show/movie for your family?

~ Mrs Galvan~